? Reactor requirements for electric control cabinet-Technical article-反應釜_換熱器_環氧樹(shù)脂設備_管殼式換熱器_空冷器--揚州建通機械設備有限公司 ?
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Reactor requirements for electric control cabinet

2019-04-03 08:18:30 Click: 130
With the development of the economy, the scope of application of the reactor is more and more wide, then what are the requirements for the reactor? The following Yongtong will bring you the requirements of the reactor control cabinet.
1. The electric control cabinet is to assemble the measuring instrument, switchgear, protective electrical equipment and auxiliary equipment in the closed or semi-closed metal cabinet or the screen according to the electrical wiring requirements. The arrangement should meet the requirements of the normal operation of the power system, and it is easy to overhaul. A control cabinet that does not endanger the safety of the person and surrounding equipment. Including power distribution cabinets, distribution boxes, electrical control cabinets, etc., in normal operation, the circuit can be switched on or off by means of manual or automatic switches. In the event of malfunction or abnormal operation, the circuit or alarm is cut off by means of a protective device. The measuring instrument can display various parameters during operation, and can also adjust some electrical parameters to prompt or signal the deviation from the normal working state. Commonly used in various hair, distribution, and substation.
Second, the general low-voltage electrical control cabinet secondary line, the minimum wiring cross-sectional area of ??the voltage line is 1.5 square, the minimum cross-sectional area of ??the current loop is 2.5 square, the current loop refers to the current transformer, the ammeter, the current signal line of the power factor meter, and the mutual inductance type. The current signal line of the meter, and so on, the current flowing through it is 5 amps. In addition, the power line is yellow green red, neutral blue or light blue (some are gray. Because the international standard also distinguishes between European standards or American standards). The main line of the circuit is at least 1.5 square millimeters of black line, the control line has an alternating current voltage of 1.0 square, and the blue line has a DC voltage of 1.0 square. The signal line color is not required.